Certified Educational Trainer Program

> > > Now Accepting Applications < < <

Provide training and professional development for your school or district. Or….start your own educational training business!

With your training as a HEART-STRONG Certified Educational Trainer, you will become a trusted educational expert in the field of trauma, ACES, and supporting students with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges within a framework of compassion and connection.

For retired or “pre-tired” teachers and others looking for a career change, becoming an Educational Trainer is a great way to earn a part-time or full-time income with flexible schedule that you create yourself!

Design your own work schedule and spend time doing the things that you love, with the people you love.

Support teachers, administrators, and other staff with research-based strategies and practical solutions to help students feel safe and build emotional regulation and executive function skills so that they can be successful at school.

Educational training certification will give you the mindset, skill set, and credibility you need to stand out in the marketplace and help teachers get the right kind of support to create a safe and connected classroom where all children can succeed.

Build a profitable part-time or full-time educational training business, or enhance your current school position with expert solutions that bring hope, growth, and healing to vulnerable students.

This credential is also an excellent preparation for those looking for a new career as a community educator or trainer in non-profit or social service agencies, government or community organizations serving educators, children, and families.

The HEART-STRONG Certified Educational Trainer Program  is the best and only certification you’ll ever need for working with struggling teachers whose students have challenging behaviors resulting from complex developmental trauma, anxiety, and other mental health and emotional regulation difficulties.

HEART-STRONG International offers two options for professional certification: Educational Trainer or Parent Coach. You may also earn a dual certification so that you can support both teachers and parents.

HEART-STRONG Certified Educational Trainer
Program Components

Quarter One:

Month 1 – Foundations
The Impact of Trauma and Adversity
Self Care, Self Compassion and Resilience for Parents and Educators
Growth, Healing, and the HEART-STRONG Model

Month 2 – Transformation
Behavior, Discipline, Social-Emotional Support for children with Trauma & ACEs
The Spiraling Stages of Growth: Nervous System Regulation
The Spiraling Stages of Growth: Executive Function

Month 3 – Impact
Trauma, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and Mental Health
HEART-STRONG Adult Teamwork – Parents, Teachers, and Service Providers
Paradigm Shifts for System Change

(one month break between quarters)

Quarter Two:

Month 4 Best Practices in Training and Adult Learning Principles
Creating Presentations – Project Overview
Best Practices for Adult Learning 
Professional Development Models 

Month 5 –  Presentations and Professional Development
Supporting Teachers – Coaching and Mentoring in the Classroom
Supporting Students – IEP’s, 504s, and Team Support Strategies
Presentation Projects – Q&A/ Feedback

Month 6 – Business Foundations for Educational Trainers
Business Models for Educational Trainers
Business Essentials for Educational Trainers:  Marketing, Offers, Sales, Fulfillment
Strategies for Building a Training Business

HEART-STRONG Certified Educational Trainer (CET)
Final Program Portfolio (Required for Certification):
At the end of your program, you will submit for review and feedback:

1.Educator Resource List:   An annotated list of books, articles, and other resources for the grade level(s) and school population(s) you teach in or plan to work with as a trainer.

2.  Presentations:  Two Power Point (Keynote) professional presentations:  1 hour workshop; 1/2 day (3 hour) workshop.

3.  Videotape of Presentation: Videotape yourself giving the 1 hour workshop in front of an audience of educators.

4.  Face Sheet: Create a face sheet with your bio, your coaching specialties, and contact info for parents.   You may also upload this document to a business website. 

5. Evaluation Forms:   Complete and submit a self-evaluation form and instructor feedback form.

Want to learn more?

First, listen to the information session recording below, which will answer the following questions:

✅ What is the The HEART-STRONG™ Model?

✅ What is the HEART-STRONG™ Certified Educational Trainer Program?

✅ What do I get when I join the HEART-STRONG™ Certified Educational Trainer Program?

✅ What are the next steps I need to take?

After you have listened to the recording, send an email to Support@WingBuilder.com with the subject line “HEART-STRONG Professional Training Application” and we will send you more details about the HEART-STRONG International programs, including schedule, tuition, and how to apply.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!